Look for These Expanded Hubspot Service Modules in 2023

As a comprehensive marketing, sales, and customer resource management platform, Hubspot has built a reputation for responding to marketing trends and new applications that enable more efficient search engine optimization features. In 2023, the company is likely to continue improving its SEO tools to help businesses improve their visibility in search engine results pages.

Here are a few areas where Assert Digital expects HubSpot to take the lead in 2023:

We’ll be interested to find out how accurate our predictions turn out to be about the new features HubSpot unveils in 2023. Whatever direction the platform takes, it's safe to say that HubSpot will continue to focus on providing its users with tools and resources to help them improve their SEO and reach their target audience more effectively.

Julie Edgett, Founder and Growth Leader

She is passionate about partnering with innovators and status quo challengers to drive market share growth for B2B SaaS and technology services firms. From her time in dot com portfolio companies to today, she thrives on crafting, running and optimizing novel growth strategies for her clients so they become “must have’s” instead of “nice to know about’s.” When she’s not dreaming up new ideas for clients, she enjoys hanging out with her husband and two teenage boys on the lake.

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